The principal planning authority, for the parish of Ivinghoe is Buckinghamshire Council. All planning applications are made to the unitary council, which then consults the parish council; seeking their opinion on all applications made on properties within the parish.The parish council is only consulted, by the unitary council; it does not have the power to grant, or refuse, planning permission. The unitary council may uphold the parish council's opinion; or reject it. However, whenever the unitary council decision differs, from the opinion expressed by the parish council, it usually explains the reason to the parish council. For up to date planning applications please see our planning tracker
Any parishioner is entitled to make representation to the unitary or parish council about any application. This may be made either in writing to either, or both, councils. In the case of the parish council you may also make personal representation at a council meeting. The parish council welcomes parishioners' comments; either for, or against, any planning application.